The owner of the website is ALUMIPRES SL, with NIF B60422086 and address at Calle Pasatge Industria 10, Lliça d’Amunt, (Barcelona). With the aim of ensuring that the use of the website complies with criteria of transparency, clarity and simplicity, ALUMIPRES SL informs the user that any suggestion, doubt or query regarding this Legal Notice or any other informative document on the website will be received and resolved by contacting ALUMIPRES SL, via the e-mail address:
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ALUMIPRES SL does not assume any responsibility for the links to other websites or pages which, where appropriate, may be included in the same, as it has no control over them, and therefore the user accesses the content and conditions of use governing the same under his or her own responsibility.
Our professionals are always ready to advise you on the best option for your projects, as well as on the design and manufacture.
Por favor complete el formulario de contacto y nos pondremos en contacto con usted.
Please complete the contact form and we will contact you.